Aug 9, 2013

Esimene etendusõhtu / first performance evening

8. augustil toimus esimene etendusõhtu / August 8th the first performance evening took place.

Õhtune meeleolu enne etendusi. / Atmosphere before the performances.

millimeter performance group, "Hope"


Allpool vaata veel pilte õhtusest meeleolust ja etendustest. / See below more pictures of the atmosphere and the performances.

Õhtune meeleolu enne etendusi. / Atmosphere before the performances.

millimeter performance group, "Hope"

Autor-lavastaja / author, stage director: Mihkel Ernits
Laval / dancer: Laura Kvelstein
Helikunstnik / sound artist: Indrek Soe
Videokunstnik / video artist: Einar Lints

Tegemist on ülimalt intensiivse ja pingestatud etendusega, mis haarab vaatajate meeli totaalselt. /

Its a very intensive and tensionally loaded performance capturing the perception of the audience totally.


Lavastaja-koreograaf / choreographer, stage director: Üüve-Lydia Toompere
Laval / performers: Julia Koneva, Saile Johanna Langsepp

Seda etendust esimest korda Kanuti Saalis nähes tundus, et nö lavaline aeg kulgeb tohutult aeglaselt ja suurem ruum aitas sellele muljele ka kaasa. Tänane etendus oli vist sama pikk, kuid vaatamisaeg kulges kiiremini, sest juba teadsin, mis millal tuleb. Siiski on iga korduv etendus põnev ja tohutult sugestiivne ja lavastaja lahendused töötavad väga hästi mistahes suuruses laval. Publikul paistis etendus meeldima, sest humoorikates kohtades puhketi nearma ja üldse elati pealegelastega intensiivselt kaasa. /

When I saw this performance first in Tallinn, the time flow on stage seemed to me extremely slow and the bigger stage played a role to amplify this perception obviously. The todays performance was similar in chronological length I guess, but the watching time flew much faster because I knew what to expect in what moment. But, of course, each consecutive performance is as exiting as the previous and totally suggestive and the choreographer's solution work very well at stages of different size. The audience seemed to have fun, because in humorous moments they laught and they where intensively attached to what's happaning on stage.

Vaata videokatkendi siin / watch a video clip here.

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